Kea Saint Paul's

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Kea Scientists

On Monday in the afternoon Kea class did a scientific experiment to see if eggs can float in water. First we wrote our question then our prediction. Immediately after that we wrote the materials. We had salt, glasses, eggs and water. We tested the eggs with normal water. 15 people said it would float and 11 said it would sink including me. For our conclusion we wrote eggs don’t float in water. The next part was with dissolved salt. The egg floated. It was still floating on Tuesday. Even two days later it was still floating. We had a great time.

Our class did fair testing. We were scientists for that bit of the day. Our class experimented to find out if an egg would float in water and in salty water. We predicted what we thought might happen. Logan R and James got to put the eggs in. My prediction was that the egg would sink in water and float in hot salty water and in just salty water. I got all my predictions right.
Sam S

On Monday we did fair testing. In the cold water it sunk. Some people thought it was going to float but it actually sunk. In the cup that had hot water and salt the egg floated.

We thought about if the egg will float in the water or if it will sink in the water. I thought the egg would sink. It sunk in the water. It floated with salt in the water.


  1. That was so much fun.

  2. That was so cool because now I know that when you have cold water the egg won't float. But with hot water and salt it will float!!!!

  3. Interesting stories

  4. That was FUN!!!!!!

  5. doing fair testing was so fun I loved doing fair testing. I really liked fair testing I think it was the best Science thing ever!

  6. I loved doing that

  7. That is fantastic writing Mathew, Holly,Viannah and Sam S.

  8. I loved doing an hypothesis for the fun science experiment!(:
